KUIS BAHASA INGGRIS "SOL" SCHOOL OF LIFE A. Fill in the blanks (Isi dengan kata yang tepat): 1. My mother is a______ ( doctor /farmer). She works at the hospital. 2. We ______ (play/ played ) football yesterday in the park. 3. There are many ______ ( cats /cat) in the garden. 4. She is ______ ( taller /tallest) than her sister. 5. The sun is shining ______ ( bright /brightly) today. 6. We always ______ ( eat /eating) breakfast at 7 AM. 7. I have two ______ (brother/ brothers ). 8. Yesterday, my father ______ (cook/ cooked ) a delicious meal. 9. They ______ ( are /is) going to the park this afternoon. B. Translate the sentences into Indonesian (Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia): 1. I have a new bicycle. (Saya punya sebuah sepeda baru) 2. The cat is sleeping under the chair. (Kucing tidur di bawah kolong kursi) 3. My sister is reading a book. (Saudara perempuan saya sedang membaca buku) 4. The dog is running in the garden. (Anjing berlari di kebun) 5....
Menulis adalah cara aku untuk tetap hidup walau jasad sudah kaku. Ragaku boleh mati, tapi pikiran dan ide-ide ku harus tetap hidup.