A. Fill in the blanks (Isi dengan kata yang tepat):
1. My mother is a______ (doctor/farmer). She works at the hospital.
2. We ______ (play/played) football yesterday in the park.
3. There are many ______ (cats/cat) in the garden.
4. She is ______ (taller/tallest) than her sister.
5. The sun is shining ______ (bright/brightly) today.
6. We always ______ (eat/eating) breakfast at 7 AM.
7. I have two ______ (brother/brothers).
8. Yesterday, my father ______ (cook/cooked) a delicious meal.
9. They ______ (are/is) going to the park this afternoon.
B. Translate the sentences into Indonesian (Terjemahkan kalimat ini ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia):
1. I have a new bicycle. (Saya punya sebuah sepeda baru)
2. The cat is sleeping under the chair. (Kucing tidur di bawah kolong kursi)
3. My sister is reading a book. (Saudara perempuan saya sedang membaca buku)
4. The dog is running in the garden. (Anjing berlari di kebun)
5. My friend and I are going to the library. (Saya dan teman saya pergi ke perpustakaan)
C. Arrange these words into a correct sentence (Susun kata-kata ini menjadi kalimat yang benar):
1. am² / I¹/ going³ / school⁵ / to⁴.
2. is³ / father² / my¹ / cooking⁴ / dinner⁵.
3. is² / He¹ / playing³ / football⁴ / now⁵.
4. to³ / She¹ / the⁴ / went² / market⁵ / yesterday⁶.
5. We¹ / are² / studying³ / English⁴ / together⁵.
D. Choose the correct answer (Pilih jawaban yang benar):
1. What is the opposite of "hot"?
a) Cold✅
b) Warm
c) Wet
2. Which of these is an animal?
a) Chair
b) Tiger✅
c) Table
3. What is the opposite of "happy"?
a) Sad✅
b) Angry
c) Excited
4. Which of these is a fruit?
a) Car
b) Banana✅
c) Shirt
5. What do we wear on our feet?
a) Gloves
b) Shoes✅
c) Hat
6. How many days are there in a week?
a) 5
b) 7✅
c) 8
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