A. Dialogue (Percakapan)
Situation : John and Michael are discussing Jesus’ teachings about love and forgiveness after their Sunday School class.
John : Hi, Michael! How are you?
Michael : Hi, John! I’m good. Our Sunday School class was really interesting today.
John : Yes! We learned about Jesus’ teachings on love and forgiveness.
Michael : That’s right. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and forgive those who hurt us.
John : But sometimes, it’s really hard to forgive.
Michael : Yes, I agree. But Jesus said in Matthew 6:14, "If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
John : That’s a good verse. It reminds me of when Jesus forgave the people who crucified Him.
Michael : Yes, He said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34). That is real love and forgiveness!
John : I want to follow Jesus’ example and forgive others, even when it’s hard.
Michael : Me too! Let’s pray and ask God to help us love and forgive like Jesus did.
John : That’s a great idea. Let’s pray together now.
B. Vocabulary List (Daftar Kosakata)
Word/Phrase Meaning (Arti)
Love = Kasih
Forgiveness = Pengampunan
Enemy = Musuh
Hurt = Menyakiti
Teachings = Ajaran
Verse = Ayat
Crucify = Menyalibkan
Pray = Berdoa
Example = Teladan
Trespass = Kesalahan/Dosa
C. Exercises (Soal Latihan)
I. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the vocabulary list.
1. Jesus taught us to show _______ to our enemies.
2 We should always _______ for others, even for those who hurt us.
3. The Bible is full of Jesus’ _______ about love and kindness.
4. Jesus asked God to _______ those who crucified Him.
5. Christians believe in the power of _______ and kindness.
II. Answer the questions based on the dialogue.
1. What did John and Michael learn in Sunday School?
2. What Bible verse did Michael mention about forgiveness?
3. Why is it sometimes difficult to forgive others?
4. What did Jesus say when He was crucified?
5. What can we learn from Jesus’ example of forgiveness?
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