TOPIC : Faith and Christian Values (Iman dan Nilai-nilai Kekristenan)
Key Words (Kata Kunci)
1. Faith (Iman)
2. Bible (Alkitab)
3. Jesus Christ (Yesus Kristus)
4. Prayer (Doa)
5. Church (Gereja)
6. Blessing (Berkat)
7. Love (Cinta)
8. Hope (Harapan)
9. Grace (Kasih Karunia)
10. Forgiveness (Pengampunan)
2. Vocabulary Practice, match the word with its meaning :
1. A place where Christians gather to worship = Church
2. A special gift or favor from God = Blessing
3. Talking to God in a personal way = Prayer
4. The holy book of Christianity = Bible
5. Believing in something without seeing it = Faith
3. Sentence Structure (Struktur Kalimat)
A. Affirmative Sentences :
1. Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
2. The Bible is God's Word.
3. Christians go to church to pray.
4. God loves all people.
5. Prayer helps us feel close to God.
B. Negative Sentences :
1. I don't go to church on Sundays.
2. Jesus didn't come to condemn people.
3. We don't pray only in church.
C. Questions :
1. Do you believe in God?
2. Where do Christians pray?
3. What is your favorite Bible verse?
Story : Jesus Feeds the 5.000
One day, Jesus was teaching a large crowd of people. They were hungry, but there was no food. A little boy had five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus prayed and thanked God. Then, he gave the food to the people. Everyone ate until they were full, and there were even twelve baskets of food left over! This miracle showed God's love and power.
Comprehension Questions :
1. What did the little boy have?
2. How many baskets of food were left?
3. What did Jesus do before giving the food to the people?
4. Why did Jesus perform this miracle?
5. Christian Values in Daily Life (Nilai-nilai Kekristenan dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari)
Discussion Questions :
1. What does "love your neighbor as yourself" mean?
2. How can we show kindness to others like Jesus did?
3. Why is forgiveness important in Christianity?
6. Activities (Aktivitas)
Activity 1 : Word Search
Find the Christian-related words in the word search below. (Words to find: Jesus, Love, Prayer, Bible, Church, Faith, Hope)
Activity 2 : My Favorite Bible Verse
Write your favorite Bible verse in English and explain why you like it.
Activity 3 : Role Play
Scenario : You are a Christian helping a friend who is sad. What would you say to comfort them?
Practice a short conversation where you show kindness and love to others.
7. Closing Prayer (Doa Penutupan)
Example Prayer in English:
"Dear God, thank you for today. Thank you for your love and blessings. Help us to be kind to others and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Amen."
8. Learning Goals (Tujuan Pembelajaran) :
Vocabulary Mastery : Students will be able to understand and use key Christian vocabulary in English.
Sentence Construction : Students will practice forming affirmative, negative, and question sentences in English.
Understanding Christian Teachings : Students will learn about the values of Christianity, such as love, faith, and forgiveness.
Conversation Skills : Students will improve their ability to converse in English about topics related to Christianity.
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