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Teacher : Good morning John.

John : Good morning, Teacher.

Teacher : Good morning, John. How are you today?

John : I am fine, thank you. Teacher, can I ask you about Jesus?

Teacher : Of course, John. What would you like to know?

John : Why do people say Jesus is our Savior?

Teacher : That's a great question! Jesus is called our Savior because He died on the cross to save us from our sins.

John : What are sins, Teacher?

Teacher : Sins are the wrong things we do, like lying or being unkind. Jesus came to take the punishment for our sins so that we can be forgiven by God.

John : So, Jesus loves us?

Teacher : Yes, very much! He loves everyone. The Bible says that God sent Jesus because He loves the world.

John : Wow, that's amazing! What can we do to follow Jesus?

Teacher : We can follow Jesus by loving others, praying, and obeying God's Word, the Bible.

John : I want to follow Jesus, Teacher.

Teacher : That’s wonderful, John. You can start by reading the Bible and praying to God every day.

John : I will do that. Thank you, Teacher!

Teacher : You're welcome, John. Keep learning about Jesus, and He will guide you always.



Sarah : Hi, Mark! Have you ever thought about what love means in the Bible?

Mark : Hi, Sarah! Yes, I have. The Bible talks a lot about love. Do you remember the verse from 1 Corinthians 13?

Sarah : Yes! It says that love is patient and kind. What do you think that means?

Mark : I think it means we should be understanding and caring towards others, even when it’s hard.

Sarah : Exactly! Jesus showed love to everyone, even to those who were mean to Him.

Mark : That’s true! He forgave people and helped them. We should try to be like Him.

Sarah : Yes! We can show love by helping others and being kind. Do you have any examples?

Mark : Well, if someone is sad, we can listen to them or help them feel better.

Sarah : And we can share our things with friends or help our family at home.

Mark : Right! When we show love, we are following Jesus' example.

Sarah : I want to spread love and kindness every day.

Mark : Me too! Let’s remind each other to be loving and kind.

Sarah : That sounds great, Mark! Together, we can make a difference.


Question and Answer Based on the Conversations 

Question : Why is Jesus called our Savior?

Answer : Because He died on the cross to save us from our sins.

Question : What are sins according to the conversation?

Answer : Sins are the wrong things we do, like lying or being unkind.

Question : What did Jesus do for our sins?

Answer : Jesus came to take the punishment for our sins so that we can be forgiven by God.

Question : How can we follow Jesus?

Answer : We can follow Jesus by loving others, praying, and obeying God's Word, the Bible.

Question : What does the Bible say about why God sent Jesus?

Answer : The Bible says that God sent Jesus because He loves the world.

Question : What did John say he wanted to do after learning about Jesus?

Answer : John said he wanted to follow Jesus.

Question : According to 1 Corinthians 13, what is love?

Answer  : Love is patient and kind.

Question  : How did Jesus show love to everyone?

Answer : Jesus forgave people and helped them, even those who were mean to Him.

Question : What are some examples of showing love, according to Mark?

Answer  : Listening to someone who is sad or helping them feel better.

Question : What did Sarah and Mark agree to do to show love and kindness?

Answer : They agreed to remind each other to be loving and kind every day.


Arrange the Sentences to Correct Order


Correct : We should pray to God every day.


Correct : God sent Jesus because Heloves-the-world.


Correct : We should forgive others.


Correct : Love is patient and kind.


Correct : We can follow Jesus by loving others.

Sins-our-died-Jesus for.

Correct : Jesus died for our sins.

Be-we -to- should kind everyone.

Correct : We should be kind to everyone.

Should others we helping by love show.

Correct : We should show love by helping others.

Love spread to wants Sarah and kindness.

Correct : Sarah wants to spread love and kindness.


Correct: Jesus loves us very much.

10 Important Vocabulary Words Based on the Conversations

Savior :  A person who saves others from danger or harm, specifically Jesus in the Christian belief.

Sins : Actions that go against God's laws, such as lying or being unkind.

Forgiveness : The act of pardoning someone for their mistakes or wrongdoings.

Love : Deep affection and care for others, as described in the Bible.

Kindness : Being considerate and helpful to others, even when it is difficult.

Patience : The ability to wait calmly without becoming annoyed or angry.

Pray : To communicate with God, usually through words of thanks, requests, or worship.

Bible : The holy book of Christians, containing God's teachings.

Obey : To follow rules, commands, or instructions, especially from God or His teachings.

Guide : To lead or direct someone in the right direction, as Jesus guides His followers.


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