THEME : CHRISTIAN VALUES AND STORIES * 1. VOCABULARY LIST * 1. Church – Gereja 2. Bible – Alkitab 3. Pray – Berdoa 4. Faith – Iman 5. Love – Kasih 6. Hope – Harapan 7. Forgiveness – Pengampunan 8. Jesus – Yesus 9. Disciple – Murid 10. Parable – Perumpamaan *.SHORT STORY : THE GOOD SAMARITANS* One day, a man was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. On the way, he was attacked by robbers. They took his clothes, beat him, and left him almost dead. A priest came by, but he ignored the injured man and walked away. A Levite also passed by but did nothing to help. Then, a Samaritan man came. He felt sorry for the injured man. He cleaned his wounds, put him on his donkey, and took him to an inn. The Samaritan paid the innkeeper and asked him to take care of the man. Jesus told this story to teach us about kindness and love. We should help others, even if they...
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