THEMA : CHRISTMAS A. Tujuan Pembelajaran °Siswa mengenal kosakata dasar tentang Natal dalam bahasa Inggris. °Siswa mampu membaca dan memahami teks sederhana tentang Natal. °Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan berdasarkan teks yang diberikan. B. Materi Cerita Singkat tentang Natal (Short Story About Christmas) "The Birth of Jesus" Once upon a time in Bethlehem, Jesus Christ was born. Mary and Joseph stayed in a stable because there was no room in the inn. Jesus was laid in a manger. Shepherds saw an angel who told them the good news. They followed the star to see baby Jesus. People brought gifts to celebrate His birth. C. Latihan Soal Pilihan Ganda 1. Where was Jesus born? a. Nazareth b. Bethlehem✅ c. Jerusalem 2. Who visited Jesus first? a. Shepherds✅ b. Kings c. Farmers 3. What did the angel tell the shepherds? a. A baby was born.✅ b. The king was angry. c. Go to the market. 2. Soal Isian Singkat 1. Who are the parents of Jesus? _____________ and _____________ 2. What did the ...
Menulis adalah cara aku untuk tetap hidup walau jasad sudah kaku. Ragaku boleh mati, tapi pikiran dan ide-ide ku harus tetap hidup.